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About us Canadian Stewart's
I do not know huge amounts of information about our Stewart Legacy from Scotland. I was raised a Stewart my dad was Donald Stewart from Nova Scotia, his dad was Alexander Stewart and was a platoon leader at Vimy Ridge during WW1 and lost one lung or more due to mustard gas and was told he got to meet the queen after the war. His dad was also Alexander and immigrated to Canada to PEI in the 1800's from Scotland. I believe they worked on the rail road in Boston in the 1920 as my dad Donald Beaton Stewart was born in Boston in 1924 then moved back to the Truro, NS. I have some relative I should catch up with in Nova Scotia one day soon since I have never met them just talked on the phone. My children are now the next Stewarts in the family line my wife Marie and our two young adults, Erin and Chase.
Clan Stewart History Scotland
The Stewarts who became monarchs of Scotland were descended
from a family who were seneschhals of Dol in Brittany, France.
The Clans included the Albany Stewarts who were a branch that
held the Dukedom of Albany which was bestowed on Sons of
Scottish and later the British Royal Family. Apart from the Royal
House of Stewart, the three main brances of the clan had settled
in the Scottish Highlands during the 14th and 15th centuries.
They were the Stewarts of Appin, Stewarts of Atholl and Stewarts of Balquhidder. The Stuarts of Bute were descendants of Robert ll of Scotland.
* Cited: http://www.clanstewartsocietyofcanada.com/ (Nov-14-2017) Web source